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Transcend with the practitioners at Radiance.


Are you feeling stagnant or dull? Do you feel you are missing something in life and unable to move forward?

When we have unhealed spaces within ourselves, we are unable to live authentically. When we begin a journey of healing we tap into our true power, purpose, passion and joy. We literally create space for something new and beautiful to arise within us.

The things that may hold us back from living authentically are unhealed trauma and living by the standards and expectations of others. We may have created illusionary masks that are projections of how we feel others think we should act and live.  We have literally forgotten who we are and who we are meant to be.

What is it in your life that needs to be transcended to live a life of fulfillment and joy? Starting a healing process allows us to let go, to transcend this illusionary life we have created and step into our passion and joy and true fulfillment that is our birthright!


Book a self- discovery session and transcend with Radiance!

Therapist holding hands over head of pretty young Black woman to transfer energy during healing reiki session

Reiki: What to expect

Before beginning, your practitioner will consult with you and discuss your goals for the session. Subtle energies are transferred through soft hand placements or "floating hands," when placed on your body. There is no manipulation of your body or muscles. You may experience the energy in the form of sensations like heat, tingling or pulsing where the Reiki practitioner has placed their hands. Sometimes, people feel sensations moving throughout the body, while other people do not perceive any change at all. When your session is finished, your practitioner will again consult with you.


Sound Therapy

Your practitioner may use instruments such as tuning forks or singing bowls to aid in balancing your mind, body and spirit.

Crystal Therapy

Your healing session will include different crystals placed on your body to enhance the energetic power of the practice.


Composition of esoteric objects used for healing, meditation, relaxation and purifying. Amethyst stones, palo santo wood

Shamanism: What to expect

We connect with a consultation to determine what services would be most beneficial to your specific needs. The healing practices that may be used during a session are Soul Retrieval, Extraction, Sound Therapy or Divination.


Consultations are required before moving forward with a session to determine if Shamanic Healing is right for you. All consultation fees are applied to your healing journey, whether that is Shamanic Healing or Hands-On healing in the event that Shamanic healing is not right for you.

Soul Retrieval

Retrieving lost aspects of the self that have been lost due to trauma, relationships or other defining life events.


Releasing stagnant energy and blockages, restoring your body's life force energy.